How To Grow Your Video Production Business – Part 2
Video Transcript: Video Production Business
Rand Courtney from Creative Deviants here and today I’m going to share some more tips on how to grow your video production business.
This is the second part of the series so if you haven’t seen the first video, you’ll find it here.
One of the things we learned when we just started out.
Was that not every projects are those super creative gigs that you can just let your creativity run wild with. In fact, one of the reasons we’ve been able to not only stay in business, but grow is because we take on a fair amount of corporate work. Like filming conferences, interviews and testimonials from executives. It’s less flashy, and can even be boring at times.
But if you’re starting out and actually want to make some money between creative gigs you’re going to have to take on some of this corporate work.
This means that you are going to be dealing with business people. And not necessarily, creative types. Which for some can be incredibly frustrating. But this is the nature of the work and something you will have to adapt to if you want your business to succeed. The plus side to these collaborations are that you are the creative and the client is coming to you for help.
Remember, you’re not just some person with a camera being directed what to do.
No, you want to be a swiss army knife with keen eye on every aspect of production. Not just picture and sound but the story that is attempting to be told. Even in corporate work. You want to be an all-encompassing expert in the visual language of storytelling.
So we’ve established that essentially you are the expert your client has hired. The next thing to know, is to act like it. Professionalism is key here. Always show up on time, dress appropriately. Always have a great attitude. It’s very important to speak and act like a business person. Because this instills trust in your clients and shows that you’re dependable.
So with that said, I’m Rand Courtney from Creative Deviants and I hope this helps you build your company and enables you to create some awesome projects.
If there’s something you’d like to add or ask feel free to do so in the comment section. Or reach out to me directly. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more tips, helpful info, and great content. Thanks for watching.
Questions? Contact me.
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